8398 Easton Rd. Ottsville, PA
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Regular Office Visits

Routine check-ups

routineRegular physical exams are an important aid in potential early detection of an impending issue. Keeping a record of weight, body score and overall general health can help the doctor to catch changes that may need to be addressed early. During this time the doctor can answer questions you may have regarding your pet’s health and care. If your pet has a chronic condition, such as diabetes, Cushing's disease, seizure disorder, or thyroid disease, the doctor can also aid in creating a treatment plan to help manage the condition.



A current Rabies vaccination is required by state law. The first Rabies vaccine that is given is licensed for one year and subsequent Rabies vaccines are typically licensed for three years. In addition, our doctors can help plan a vaccine protocol that best suits your pet’s needs and lifestyle. Location is also taken into consideration, as some geographic areas require additional vaccines. Since vaccines vary in the amount of time that they are effective, our office sends out reminders to help keep your pets up to date. If you are not sure if your pet is current on vaccines, call our office and we can help you determine their status.


Sick Pet Exams

When your pet is not feeling well, our doctors will perform an exam to try to determine the cause. Based on clinical signs, physical exam, and further diagnostics if necessary, the doctor will decide on an appropriate treatment plan. We feature a well-stocked pharmacy, but in the event we don’t carry a particular medication, we can call a prescription into a pharmacy of your choice.